This Holi Save Water Save Life!!!




As you all know Holi festival is near by but did you ever wondered there is lots of water waste in every year but we young generations are not take caring about this and this cause a very bad impact in ecological balance over earth. There are some regions in India who are suffering from least water. 




Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life but only 2.5 per cent of the 1.4 billion km3 of water on Earth is freshwater fit for human consumption, and most of this is inaccessible — nearly 70 per cent is locked up in glaciers, snow and ice.



Without water we can't imagine a life so we should take care of water if we want a healthy life.




 This time we should pledge that not to waste water on occasion of Holi and play with colors only.

Wish you are very happy holi


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